Panorama Lofoten


- picture oct. 2023

Cabin rental

This property is a 12-minute walk from the beach. Cabin Panorama Lofoten with Jacuzzi is located on Offersøya in Nordland, and has a hot tub and terrace.

The accommodation is 8 km from Leknes.

Enjoy a jacuzzi from the terrace!

Panoramic view!

Hiking - activities - experiences

Hikes you must experience in Lofoten this summer! Lofoten is full of spectacular opportunities, there is almost too much to choose from, but we have made an overview of 9 trips you will find near the cabin. Regardless of whether you choose one of these or find your own experiences, one thing is certain: the Lofoten summer is magical.

Haukland beach

Ramberg beach

Travel to Lofoten

……by plane - bus - car - ferrry

Ramberg beach


What our guests say!

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    Very nice, relatively new house with a view of the sea. Well equipped, even a washing machine is available. Kayaks and hot tubs are available but we didn't use them. It is only a few hundred meters to Haukland Strand and 3 minutes to the sea below the house.

    Summary: Dream cabin with the chance to see the northern lights from the sofa.

    —Michael —

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    Amazing cabin with everything you need. Very new and modern cabin. Very perfect host.

    —Vanessa —

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    "Good location close to Hauklandstranda and Uttakleiv. Several nice peaks in the area. Well-equipped cabin with most of what you need. Plus the possibility to borrow a kayak"

    — Olav —

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    «Great cabin with beautiful views. Perfect for a family of four, comfortable, good facilities, quiet area with walking distance to Haukeland beach. We would love to come back!»

    —Kristine —


In the heart of Sweden.

At vero Callipho et post eum Diodorus, cum is alter voluptatem adamavisset, alter vacuitatem doloris, neuter honestate carere potuit, quae est a nostris laudata maxime. Et hanc quidem primam exigam a te operam, ut audias me quae a te dicta sunt refellentem.


Voieveien, 8360 Offersøya, Norge

Contact for questions and information about rent and possibly other practical things!


© Panorama Lofoten - Web design Boye Garmann